Search Results for: puppy

Vaccinating your Dog

Why should I get my dog vaccinated? The saying ‘prevention is better than cure’ is as true for our pets as it is for us. Vaccinating your dog against preventable diseases is the logical choice when it comes to their health. If you have any questions about vaccinating your dog, contact your local Greencross Vets…

About Greencross Vets

Introducing A New Pet To Your Home

Introducing A Pet Into The Family

Holiday Hosting Tips for Your Dog

Hookworm In Dogs & Cats: Symptoms & Treatment

What is hookworm? There are two species of hookworm that affect dogs and cats in Australia: Ancylostoma and Uncinaria. Adult worms are approximately 16 mm long and very thin. They live attached to the intestines of dogs, cats, and people. In reasonable numbers, they can cause illness and even death. How does my pet catch…

How To Protect Your Pet From Parasites

Destructive Chewing

Common Household Pet Poisons

Caring For A Pregnant Dog

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