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Exotic Pet Health – Pet Birds

Exotic Pet Health – Birds

Pet Bird articles relating to Exotic Pet Health

Feather Picking or Loss

What can you do if my pet bird is picking at its feathers or losing feathers?
Most feather problems are due to one of five things:
Nutritional deficiencies (seed and water is not enough)
Viral infections
Hormonal imbalances
Psychological …
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Disease and Outbreaks in Aviaries

In spite of careful attention to management and nutrition, even the best-kept aviaries may at some time experience the trauma of unexplained deaths or widespread illness in their pet birds. This article i…
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Nutrition for Birds

As there are many species of pet birds, there is no single diet that can be used. Some are seedeaters, some are nectar feeders (e.g. lorikeets), while some eat mainly fruit. So it is important to…
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Pet Birds and Your Vet

Birds are popular pets throughout Australia, but unfortunately they are often the ā€˜overlookedā€™ family pet when it comes time for them to be ā€˜off colourā€™. From finches to cockat…
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Stress in your Pet Bird

Stress can be defined as the physiological response of a bird to a situation that causes it strain or tension, such as overcrowding, too high or too low temperature and/or humidity and the inability t…
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The Perfect Cage for Pet Birds

Increasingly, pet birds are spending more time out of their cages as bird ownership increases, and birds become ā€˜mobile companionsā€™. Even so, correct cage selection and management are impo…
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First Aid Priorities
Stop Bleeding
Examine the bird briefly and stop any bleeding.Ā  Bleeding can be stopped by placing some clean cloth (not toweling) over the wo…
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This is also known as ā€˜parrot feverā€™, Chlamydiosis is a disease caused by a micro-organism called Chlamydia Psittaci. If inhaled, it is usually found in the lungs and air sacs. If ingested, it is …
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Canker in Birds

Canker is the name used to describe the disease caused by a protozoan (one-celled) parasite, Trichomonas gallinae. It is seen mainly in budgerigars and pigeons and is very common in aviaries of these …
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Why is my bird pulling out its feathers?

If your bird’s plumage is looking a little patchy, see your vet as soon as possible. Although many of the reasons your pet pulls its feathers out are treatable, the habit could be a sign of someth…
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Will my chicken get cold?

Chickens have some pretty clever ways of beating the winter chill, but they may still need a bit of help from you. Like all birds, chickens use their feathers for insulation…
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If you are concerned about your pet bird at all, book an appointment today at your local Greencross Vet.

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