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Does Your Cat Have Healthy Ears?

Ginger cat with large earsDo you hear that?

A cat’s hearing is among their most acute senses. Cats can hear sounds that human ears miss, like a mouse rustling in the grass. Each ear uses over 20 muscles, making their ability to hear low sound from even great distances highly effective.

Healthy ears

Hearing problems in cats are usually rare. However, deafness in white cats has been known to be hereditary.

Healthy ears are pink, clean, and are free from odour.

Unhealthy ears

Signs of unhealthy ears include:

  • dirty
  • smelly
  • red
  • swollen
  • uncomfortable
  • painful

The causes of these abnormalities can be bacterial or fungal infections, mite infections, polyps, cysts or foreign bodies in the ear canals. Other causes include catfight injuries, solar dermatitis, skin cancerĀ or haematomas.

How do I treat ear problems in my cat?

Don’t attempt to clean your catā€™s ears unless instructed by your vet. Only use appropriate medication or ear cleaner as you may traumatise the ear lining and make an existing problem worse.

Cats with ear problems should be checked, under anaesthetic if necessary, to ensure a correct diagnosis and a proper treatment regime. Drops are used for bacterial, fungal, and mite infections. An anaesthetic may be needed for cleaning the canal without damaging the lining or the eardrum, or to surgically deal with wounds, haematomas, polyps and cysts.

If you suspect that your cat may have an ear infection or irritation, contact your local Greencross Vet for more information.

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