Online bookings will be unavailable from 9am-4pm, Sunday 30th March AEDT due to scheduled maintenance. 🐾 We apologise for the inconvenience and will be paws-up in no time! 🐾

Gastrointestinal Disease

Gastrointestinal tract disease (GIT disease) is amongst the most common disorders that your pet may encounter. These conditions can be minor issues, but sometimes they signify something more serious. The most common causes of gastrointestinal disease in dogs and cats are:

  • Diet
  • Infections
  • Poisons
  • Inflammatory disease
  • Cancer.

How are gastrointestinal disorders diagnosed?

The first step in determining the underlying cause of the GIT disease is to rule out the common causes. This is usually done by taking a dietary history, performing a physical exam, and asking questions about your pet’s preventative health care program for parasites. If the problem cannot be determined based on these findings, your vet will perform diagnostic tests to rule out underlying disease.

If your pet is sick, dehydrated or exhibiting unusual behaviour, treatment may be started to support their body and internal organs. Seeking early medical attention can help with a quick recovery. It is important to monitor your pets for signs of GIT disease.

What are the signs and symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders?

The symptoms will vary based on the severity of the condition. Symptoms can include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Bloody stools
  • Constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pain
  • Restlessness
  • Bloating
  • Weight loss.

Commonly seen causes of gastrointestinal disorders include:

  • Gastroenteritis
  • Food allergies
  • Blockages
  • Ulcers
  • Cancers
  • Inflammatory bowel disease.

If your pet is displaying any concerning symptoms, it’s best to seek professional veterinary advice. Contact your local Greencross Vets.

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