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Worms in Dogs – Identification & Treatment

Worms are a serious health concern for dogs, which is why it’s essential that owners focus on prevention. Worms in dogs are of concern not only because they can make dogs very sick (in some cases can even be fatal),  but also because some varieties of worms can infect humans, too. Here’s a guide to recognising the signs of worms in dogs to make early treatment a priority.

Signs Of Worms in Dogs

Identifying worms in dogs can be tricky as some varieties don’t cause any obvious symptoms. That said, there are some clear signs of worms in dogs that should prompt you to make an appointment with your local Greencross Vets team. These can include:

Changes in their stool

If you’ve noticed changes in your dog’s stool, they may be infected with intestinal worms. Some varieties will appear as white flecks in your dog’s faeces or around the anus (the eggs the worms have laid in their digestive tract), or you may spot segments of a tapeworm (which resemble rice grains). If your dog is suffering from diarrhoea with mucus or blood, this can be another sign of worms in your dog’s stool.


Another symptom of intestinal worms in dogs is “scooting” (dragging their bottom across the ground) or excessive licking of their bottom. 

A bloated stomach

This is one of the most common symptoms of worms in puppies and should be treated as swiftly as possible. 

Weight loss

This symptom can be seen in both canine heartworm and intestinal worms, as well as a large range of other diseases. It is important to seek advice from your Greencross Vets team if you notice your dog losing weight or showcasing an increase or decrease in appetite. 

Poor coat condition

If your dog’s once lustrous coat is looking dull, this can point to a potential worm infestation. This may be accompanied by hair loss and/or a skin irritation.

A persistent cough 

Canine heartworm puts the heart under stress and can cause accompanying symptoms, including coughing, lethargy, change in breathing pattern (more difficult or faster breath rate), and shortness of breath after exercise. 

Types Of Worms in Dogs

Hookworms in dogs

Hookworms consist of a variety of intestinal worm species that can live in your dog’s intestines and feed on their blood. In severe cases, the amount of blood loss can be fatal. Hookworm larvae live in the ground and attach to your dog’s paws, before being ingested through licking, when they groom their paws. Some varieties can infect humans, too – this can occur when walking barefoot through areas where an infected dog defecates or being licked by an infected pet.  Hookworms commonly cause diarrhoea, lethargy and weight loss in dogs.

Whipworms in dogs

Whipworms are another parasite that burrows into your dog’s intestinal wall. Canine whipworms are not typically transferable to humans, but rare cases have occurred. Whipworms can infect both adults and puppies, but infestations are more common in older dogs. These worms are about 3-5 cm long and live in your dog’s large intestine while their eggs pass through the digestive system. As they cause blood loss, severe cases can be fatal, so be sure to check in with your vet if your dog is suffering from diarrhoea (particularly if blood is present) and weight loss.

Tapeworm in dogs

Several varieties of tapeworm can infect dogs, but the most common are the flea tapeworm and the hydatid tapeworm, which can live in your dog’s small intestine. Egg-containing segments of flea tapeworm are passed through your dog’s digestive system in the faeces, then flea larvae ingest these tapeworm eggs. The eggs hatch within the flea and develop into cysts, staying within them as they develop into adult fleas, which your dog then ingests when they chew and ingest fleas, and so continues the cycle of infection. Hydatid tapeworm segments containing eggs also pass through your dog’s digestive system and can infect humans. The symptoms of tapeworm in dogs can be hard to spot, though flea tapeworm can be linked to “scooting” or your dog developing other signs of an itchy bottom.

Roundworms in dogs

Roundworms are intestinal parasites that resemble strands of spaghetti. Ranging from 5-15 cm in length, these white to cream coloured worms live in the small intestine and lay eggs that pass through your dog’s faeces. Puppies can contract roundworms from their mother in the womb and through the milk, and dogs of all ages – and even humans – can become infected through encountering eggs in a contaminated environment. Signs of roundworms in dogs can include diarrhoea and/or vomiting, inability to gain weight, poor coat condition and a pot belly (especially in puppies).

Heartworm in dogs

Heartworm disease is caused by a blood parasite (heartworm) spread by mosquitoes and can be fatal for dogs. With the potential to grow up to 35cm long, these worms are particularly nasty as they live on the right side of your dog’s lungs and pulmonary arteries and can reside there for years before detection. As they spread, they obstruct blood flow and cause inflammation, affecting the rest of your dog’s body by putting significant strain on their heart. By the time symptoms, such as a persistent cough, weight loss, lethargy, enlarged abdomen or nose bleeds, lead to a diagnosis of canine heartworm, hundreds of these parasites could be infecting your dog. Heartworm doesn’t pose a risk to humans and is more common in dogs that live in mosquito-prone areas.

Ringworm in dogs

Don’t be fooled by the name – it’s important to note that ringworm is actually a fungal infection and not an actual worm parasite. This fungal skin infection causes bald patches and dry skin in dogs and pink to red coloured, circular patterns on the skin of humans.

How Do Dogs Get Worms?

Most cases of intestinal worms in dogs are due to dogs licking their feet after coming into contact with a contaminated environment (containing worm eggs) or ingesting the parasites and their larvae, which can occur if your dog eats an infected animal (rodent, bird or otherwise). After microscopic worm eggs have been ingested by your dog, these parasites will move to their digestive system, mature into adult worms and start laying eggs. Worm eggs will pass through your dog’s body and be present in their faeces. Itching caused by the worm can lead them to lick their bottom, and not only does this continue the cycle of infestation but can result in humans being infected too – even just through touch. Heartworm, however, is caused by mosquito bites and almost never impacts humans.

How Often Should I Worm My Dog?

Preventative worm treatments for dogs are an essential step in their ongoing care and can start as early as two weeks old. Puppies need preventative treatment for intestinal worms every two weeks until they’re 12 weeks old, after which they can be wormed monthly until six months old. At this point you can choose the worming approach that suits your dog’s needs and lifestyle – whether that’s monthly or every three months.

Heartworm treatments can start at 12 weeks of age. Most options require a monthly application, but there are varieties that are administered every three months. You can also choose an annual heartworm injection, which can be administered by your local Greencross Vets team. The frequency of worming your dog is largely dependent on age, but lifestyle factors and their risk of exposure are important considerations, too, so be sure to seek further advice from your vet.

Treatment Options

If you suspect that your dog has worms of any variety, it’s essential to make an appointment with your local Greencross Vets team. They’ll be able to accurately diagnose the issue via tests such as a stool sample for intestinal worms, urine and blood tests (there are specific blood tests for heartworm), a chest X-ray or ultrasound for heartworm. From here, they’ll prescribe the right course of action based on the severity of your dog’s infestation – whether that’s a one-off deworming treatment, an injection, at-home medication or a stay in the hospital for specific microfilaria treatment regime (for heartworm). Once they’re given the all clear, it’s vital to stay up to date with preventative treatments to keep your dog healthy and worm-free.

Can Humans Get Worms from Dogs?

Canine worm infections are classified as zoonotic diseases, which means they can be transferred to humans. This is why maintaining good hygiene practices, keeping up to date with preventative worming treatments and being aware of the signs of worms in dogs is important for every member of your family.

Preventing Worms in Dogs

Awareness of the signs of worms in dogs and good hygiene practices are important, but preventative treatments are the key to keeping your dog worm-free. When it comes to choosing the right treatment for your dog, do your research to find the right product for them.

There are many treatments on the market offering different applications and frequencies, including tablets, chewable tablets, oral liquid, spot-on treatments or an annual injection, (for heartworm only). It’s important to note that every dog owner needs to find the approach that’s right for their dog, as some products may need a combination treatment to cover all parasites of concern. For example, there are products that treat:

  • All worms – Heartworm and intestinal worms
  • A combination of flea, tick and heartworm
  • Fleas, ticks, intestinal worms and heartworm
  • Intestinal worms only
  • Heartworm only.

Be sure to seek advice from your local Greencross Vets team if you’re unsure of the ideal approach to worming your dog or if you have any concerns about your dog’s health.

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