Search Results for: cat

What NOT to feed your pets at your Summer Barbeque

Warmer days, longer evenings, holidays, beach visits and barbeques can only mean one thing, summer is here! Before you get your tongs and apron out to prepare the BBQ, it’s important you know about the foods that can be harmful for your cat or dog. While sharing is caring when it comes to humans at…

Terms and Conditions – Greencross Vets Survey ‘Win a $200 Petbarn Gift Card’ Competition

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Recovery from Lump Removal Surgery

Gastroenteritis Recovery

Paralysis Tick Recovery

What happens to a dog during recovery from being bitten by a paralysis tick is highly case dependent and not easily predictable. The sooner your dog is presented to the vet, the better their chances of a full recovery.   A dog’s condition can rapidly deteriorate for up to 48 hours after removing a tick. The…

Dental Surgery Aftercare

Puppy Preschool

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