Search Results for: cat

Dental Surgery Aftercare

Dental procedure Your dog or cat has had a professional dental treatment under a general anaesthetic where their teeth were examined in detail, scaled and polished. If your pet has had any teeth extracted in addition to the teeth cleaning, then you must take extra care to ensure the wound heals correctly. Do not look…

Puppy Preschool

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Benefits of super premium food and veterinary diets

Zoonoses – What Are They?

Tips For Feline Fun

Tips for feline fun There are many advantages to keeping your feline friend confined indoors. While reducing the risk of injury and disease we also see a benefit for the local wildlife. Most cats will be satisfied with just a view of the outside world. Providing access to a window ledge or even an enclosed…

How Do You Test for Heartworm Disease?

Parasite Prevention For Dogs

Feline AIDS Vaccination

Feline Wellness Health Check

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