Search Results for: cat

Spotless House Training

by JOHN S JOHNSON Taking a deep breath your dinner guests smile politely.  “Oh, I see you must have gotten a new puppy,” they announce with wrinkled noses, even though the dog is nowhere in sight.  The nearly new carpet, once a lovely beige, is beginning to take on a whole new pattern and you…

Should you Brush your Dog’s Teeth?

My Pet Vomits After Eating

What To Look Out For With Your Pet In Winter

When Does My Pet Become A Senior?

Why are Dogs Noses Wet?

Why are dogs noses wet? A much asked question over the years. To this day, we don’t really know why dogs noses are wet. We thought the following may give some insight. Smell is your dog’s most refined sense. Dogs noses are wet to help keep that sense as sharp as possible. Your individual smell…

What To Do If Your Pet Eats Chocolate

What Causes Canine Cough?

Why Dogs Eat Grass: Causes, Risks, & Prevention

When Should I Call The Vet?

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