Search Results for: cat

Treats Not So Sweet For Pets

The chocolate treats we enjoy are poisonous if shared with our furry friends. The danger with chocolate is that animals, such as dogs, cats, parrots and horses, can’t effectively metabolise the chocolate chemical known as alkaloid theobromine. This chemical can remain in an animal’s bloodstream for many hours, leading to hyperactivity and excessive urination. It…

Nutrition For Birds

Pet Birds And Your Vet

Prostatic Disease

Sore Ears In Pets

Fleas Won’t Go Away!

Do you struggle with keeping your pet flea free in the warmer months? Don’t be alarmed because you are not the only one! During the warmer months, fleas are getting ready to breed and infest the environment and our pets and make their lives itchy and uncomfortable. The answer to a flea free pet is…

Rat Bait Poisoning in Dogs & Pets


What Is Pet Wellness All About?

Pancreatitis In Pets

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