Search Results for: cat

Hyperadrenocorticoidism (Cushing’s Disease)

Hyperadrenocorticoidism (HA) is a disorder caused by excessive secretion of glucocorticoids (Cortisone) from the adrenal glands.  The adrenal glands are small glands that lie in the abdominal cavity, close to the kidneys.  They are responsible for secreting, amongst other things, the hormones Cortisol and Adrenaline.  HA is a common disorder of dogs and is quite…

Hyposensitisation (Pet Allergies)

How To Protect Your Pet From Parasites

Fleas and your Pet

Flea Prevention and Your Pet

Food Allergies in Pets: Symptoms and Treatment

Food allergies in dogs and cats can cause a lot of discomfort, which is why it’s important to discover the source of the problem as soon as possible. Here’s a guide to the signs and symptoms of food allergies in dogs and cats, common causes and how to treat them with the help of your…

Gastrointestinal Disease

Paralysis Ticks Guide: Symptoms & Treatment

Giardia Parasite and your Pet

Grass Seeds And Your Pet

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