Search Results for: cat

Disease And Outbreaks In Aviaries

In spite of careful attention to management and nutrition, even the best-kept aviaries may at some time experience the trauma of unexplained deaths or widespread illness in their birds. This article is to inform aviculturalists of the approach needed in determining the reasons behind such unwanted occurrences, so that a plan of treatment or husbandry…

What can Dogs Eat at Christmas Dinner? Safe & Dangerous Foods.

Pet Ear Infections

Ear Infections (Otitis Externa)

Exercising With Older Pets

Bird Feather Picking Or Loss

What can you do? Most feather problems are due to one of five things: Nutritional deficiencies (seed and water is not enough) Viral infections Hormonal imbalances Psychological factors/boredom Parasites – lice and mites. I have put this last because in caged birds it is a less frequent cause than the others Considering this list, make…

Feline House Soiling

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)

Festive Foods Pets Should Avoid During Holidays

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