Search Results for: cat

My Cat Always Attacks Me. Why?

Why your cat attacks Aggression is a natural part of many animals’ survival instincts. It can come from fear, pain or even something they learned from you. Here are some tips if your cat is prone to aggression. Growing up As kittens grow, they learn social skills from their littermates through play fights with one another….

Is Your Cat Bored?

Kidney Disease In Cats

Hookworm In Cats and Dogs

Hookworm In Dogs & Cats: Symptoms & Treatment

Identify If Your Cat Is Living With Arthritis

Our feline friends are known to be quite active and agile but as they age it is inevitable that they will start to slow down.  Many cats can remain very healthy and vibrant during their senior years, but there are times when chronic disease and arthritis can affect their quality of life. Arthritis is a…

Identifying If Your Cat Has Been In A Cat Fight

If I Put My Cat On A Diet, Will They Still Love Me?

Indoor Spraying In Cats

Indoor Toileting Problems In Cats

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