Search Results for: cat

Ticks on Dogs: Identification, Symptoms, Prevention & Treatment

Ticks On Dogs Guide: Tick Identification & Bite Symptoms Ticks are a reasonable concern for pet parents around Australia, particularly in the warmer months. With potentially fatal outcomes after a bite, it’s important to know what ticks are, how to identify them, and what you can do to prevent them. What Are Ticks?  Ticks are…

Ticks On Cats: Identification, Symptoms & Removal

Fleas On Dogs & Cats: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Heartworm Disease In Cats

Does Your Cat Have Healthy Ears?

Is Your Cat At Risk of Feline Aids?

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus It is estimated that between 14% and 29% of cats in Australia test positive for feline immune-deficiency virus, or FIV for short. Male outdoor cats are at the highest risk of disease, especially if they fight with other cats but females also catch FIV. If your feline friend spends time frolicking outdoors…

Cat Asthma

Hyperthyroidism in Cats

Feline Respiratory Disease (Cat Flu)

Dog and Cat Gum Colour Chart & Refill Time

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