Search Results for: puppy

Destructive Chewing

Destructive Chewing Chewing is a normal and necessary behaviour for your puppy. However, can be frustrating if your dog decides to chew your favourite shoes. Chewing is an important behaviour to a dog’s health. These are some of the reasons a dog needs to chew. Teething Puppies experience teething for up to 12 months of…

Common Household Pet Poisons

Caring For A Pregnant Dog

Canine (Kennel) Cough In Dogs

Pets and Christmas Decoration Safety

Biting And Mouthing

Why does my young pet bite me? When puppies and kittens bite, they may think they’re just playing. Young animals often wrestle and bite each other as a game. However, this type of play can be painful for human skin. When young animals are with their littermates, they learn how hard or soft to bite…

Vomiting in Dogs & Cats: Everything You Need to Know

Articles of Interest

Pet Vaccinations

Adult Dog Health Care Tips

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